Mobitxtadz: Expert Marketing Techniques

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Brand Yourself: Be Exclusive

Did you know that exclusivity sells?

If you are having trouble promoting your products, goods or services, you must start to figure out ways to make them visible to increase their demand. A way is to form an exclusive aura that appeals to prospects that happen to be status seekers. In other words, you need to brand yourself, your business and your products, goods or services.

For example, would you rather be noticed riding in a low price Ford or a classy BMW? So, if you are like most people, the automobile that you would like, if you had the money, would be the more expensive one. Is it because a BMW or Porsche is such a unique automobile that no other automobile in the world can compare to it? Probably not, at least not in the opinions of those people who buy it. It has more to do with the immediate association of status and wealth that driving a BMW or Porsche confers. They even are referred to lovingly a sports car that has a large impact on class consciousness. Yet, there isn’t any reason you cannot make the exact aura of exclusivity over your products and services to help you sell more of them.

So what makes your services or products|products or services} really special?

The most effective technique to make your service or product feel exclusive and luxurious turns out to be to very bluntly let everybody know about the coolest benefits of this service or product that make it unique. It really isn’t over the top to talk about the fine silver filligree made in France or the exclusive procedure that went in to creating such a unique and elegant product. The more you tell prospects why your service or product is special, the more they will believe it.

Recently, I was introduced to Mobitxtadz, a revolutionary new marketing program, which makes use of existing free technology. Building a successful business on the internet requires proper training just like any job you have. Mobitxtadz provides personalized and relevant training with regards to how to effectively use technology to market your product or service. It is not a scam, but is a Multi Level Marketing (MLM) company founded by Pastor Marcus Brewer, who is in his own right, a marketing guru and a strong team of network marketers. Through the use of webinars as the primary training tool, you are taken step by step and trained on how to make use of existing technological tools (eg. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google Ads, AP Sense, etc.) that would greater enhance and maximize your marketing power.

Mobitxtadz allows you the opportunity to tap into a wealth of online resources which are literally at your fingertips. You will learn how to create networks with other internet network marketers, and build lasting and mutually beneficial relationships. Most importantly, you will learn how to brand yourself, your business and your products, goods or services.

I am thrilled to be learning how to find leads, connect with them, get to know them, discover what they are doing and be able to help them to become successful.

Mobitxtadz has consultants who are experts in their field. They provide you with expert marketing strategies, techniques and advice.

For further information on this exciting new opportunity, please feel free to contact me via the following:

or follow these links:

Mobitxtadz Information
Mobitxtadz Webinar

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